Kiwanis, A global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time
If you want to help build community, build relationships and “Serve the children”, check out Kiwanis. Take a look at the club’s Facebook and websites and If you’re interested contact a club president and join a club Zoom meeting. Looking forward to “seeing” you.
Kiwanis Pacific Northwest Green River Area
Green River Area
Lieutenant Governor, Char Grinolds,
Kiwanis Club of Auburn
President: Donna Foxley,
Kiwanis Club of the Valley (Auburn)
President: Kelly Jensen,
Meetings every Wednesday, 7:00 to 8:00 am
Kiwanis Club of Federal Way
President: Kenny Byrne,
Meetings Wednesday, 12:00 to 1:00 pm; 11:30 for social time
Kiwanis Club of Covington
President: Kathy Knott,
Meetings first and third Wednesday of the month, 12 – 1 pm at the IHOP in Covington (Covington is a 3- 2- 1 club)
Kiwanis Club of Kent
President: Keith Carpenter,
Meeting day: Thursday – Noon to 1 p.m. at Maggie’s in Kent
Kent AM Kiwanis
President, Brenda Fincher,
Meeting the 4th Wednesday of the month, 6:30 pm
Kiwanis Club of Renton
President: Jon Pozega,
Meetings on the 1st Monday of each month at 6 PM via Zoom
Aktion Club of the Green River Valley
President, Paul (Bear) Brantley,
Lead advisor, Debbie Meyers,
Meetings on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm
*Aktion Club is the service club for adults with disabilities.

Club Bios
Each Kiwanis Club has the same purpose but act in very individualistic ways to achieve their goals. Clubs are a collection of people with different talents that are passionate and know their community needs. Below is a thumb nail sketch of each club as they are today. Clubs are open to new ideas, new projects so join up, make a change and make a difference.
The Kiwanis Club of Auburn
Kiwanis club of Auburn has served the Auburn Community for nearly 100 year. Officially charter in 1922, it’s the oldest club in the Green River Area. We are an integral part of the community partnering in many events with the City of Auburn.
- Provide a full breakfast for the volunteers at the city’s clean sweep event.
- We support run concessions at the Auburn Act Theater for selected events.
- We have a street clean up event once per month.
- Were involved with park enhancement activities.
- Monthly we work with the Food Bank to deliver food to Auburn’s shut ins.
- We work with the Food Bank to pack and deliver holiday meals
- We volunteer at the Auburn Senior Center by serving lunch to the seniors during both Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays
- Every winter we make and distribute blessing bags to those in need.
- And more………….
Sponsor Youth Service Leadership Programs
We sponsor Key Clubs at Auburn and Auburn Mountainview High Schools
We give Scholarships to selected Key Club graduates. And we provide an annual scholarship to a Green River College scholar
Kiwanis Club of the Valley (Auburn)
The Auburn Valley Kiwanis Club was established in 1974 as a morning club. The club continues to carry out its mission to improve the lives of children in our community and thus collectively with our other clubs…the world.
Below is a list of ongoing service projects, fundraisers, supported organizations and Youth Service Leadership Programs we sponsor.
- Adopt-a-street
- Community Supper servers
- Latinos Unidos food drive at Olympic Middle School
- Auburn Food Bank delivery for shut-ins
- Children’s Home Society basic needs items drive
- Business advisors with CTE at Auburn High School
- Volunteer at Auburn Senior Center to serve Thanksgiving and Christmas lunch
- Emerald Downs Kiosk helpers with proceeds going to programs
- Golf Tournament at Auburn Golf Course the first week of August with proceeds funding programs
- Purple Sock Fitness Challenge in September supporting domestic violence awareness and Children’s Domestic Violence response team
Sponsor Youth Service Leadership Programs
- CTE Student of the Month (becoming a signature program) and scholarships
- Auburn Middle Schools (all four) Student of the Month breakfast celebration with family
- BUG (Bring Up Grades) Elementary School Recognition program (almost all elementary schools in Auburn)
- Auburn Riverside Key Club
- Cascade and Mt. Baker Builders Club
- Olympic Middle School Latinos Unidos Club
- Support both PNW and Kiwanis International Foundations every year
The Kiwanis Club of Federal Way
The Kiwanis Club of Federal Way was founded in 1955 as the first Kiwanis Club in Federal Way. It’s the largest club in the Green River Area.
- We run the concession stand at Federal Way High School Memorial Stadium, which hosts all outdoor sports events of the Federal Way School District.
- We also sponsor the Annual Salmon Bake at Steel Lake Park, which in recent years has been the largest summer event in Federal Way. In recent years the attendance has been around 800.
- Our members volunteer for a homeless feeding program
- We contribute money to local organizations providing services to youth, such as the Multi-Service Center and Centerstage Theater.
- One of our members, Evelyn Castellar, runs a free clinic, and also provides educational, nutritional and clothing assistance, in an impoverished area of Honduras. We contribute money to her organization, Projecto Honduras, as does Kiwanis at other levels.
- And more…………
Sponsor Youth Service Leadership Programs
- We sponsor Key Clubs at the four high schools of the Federal Way School District: Decatur, Federal Way, Tod Beamer, Thomas Jefferson
- And we sponsor a Terrific Kids Program and Bringing Up Grades program at local elementary schools.
The Kiwanis Club of Covington
We were officially chartered by Kiwanis International on March 31, 1992.
For nearly three decades our KIWANIS CLUB of COVINGTON has made an impressive impact serving children and families in the surrounding community, across the PNW District and around the world. Here’s a list of just some of our programs and projects over the years….
- Sponsor/participant of original Covington Days
- “Back to Basics” (underwear/sock) drives for KSD; sort clothing for KAC PTA clothing bank
- Wrap holiday gifts for Kent Fire Dept “Toys for Joy” program
- Create/present “Blast of Jazz” at Lake Wilderness and St. John’s – dinner, live music, auctions
- Serve cocoa and cider for annual community holiday tree-lighting since 1997
- Created/sponsor annual Kiwanis Hollydaze to support area food banks (Panccake Breakfast, Reindeer Dash, Holiday Gift Bazaar, Tree Lighting Ceremony)
- Created/sponsor “Books & Babies” for newborns at Multicare Medical Center
- Provide bike helmets & bicycles for childcare groups, foster child families, bike rodeos, food banks
- And more…….
Sponsor Youth Service Leadership Programs
- Chartered/sponsored Tahoma High School Key Club, Kentlake Key Club
- Chartered/sponsored Kiwanis Builders Club at Cedar Heights Junior High
- Established/sponsor Kiwanis B.U.G. Program at Cedar Valley and Jenkins Creek elementary schools
The Kiwanis Club of Kent
The Kiwanis Club of Kent Celebrated 90 years of Service (although party was postponed until 2021 due to COVID-19)
- We support blood drives quarterly
- Participate Adopt A Street program
- Our Club members mentor at our local schools – we provide books to 200 of our Kindergarten kiddos and 150 books to Pre schools. we were able to get them to teachers to mail in packets to kids.
- We provide sponsorships annually to Kent Food Bank- Community and Schools – SKCAC industries and Employment Services, Kent Youth and Family Services .
- Fundraising is French Field concession stands ( not this fall foot ball will try to resume in the spring), Crab Feed and Golf for kids all postponed. Money raised goes to local charities
Sponsor Youth Service Leadership Programs
- Our Club supports 2 Key Clubs- Kent-Meridian and Foster High school.
- Our treasured projects are 7th and 8th Grade Essay contest 47 yrs. (post pond ) although we still honored them through the mail a certificate –cash card- and a dine out card.
- So we got creative and received a Sea Hawk quilt from a friend – were having Drawing tickets will go on sale soon, 3 Prizes Quilt- Certificate for $100.00 to a Restaurant (TBA) and 3rd. a Italian dinner Basket including a bowl and special things to brighten one’s day.
- I’m proud of our club for having ZOOM meetings and do as much as we can to stay close and work together in our community.
Kent AM
Our organization date was June 15, 2005 with our charter banquet on June 23rd. The AM stands for Awesome Members. When asked for support from organizations we find reasons to say “yes” more often than “no”
- We’re known for our soup making and over the past years have made well over 200 gallons of soup that have served many hundreds of people through Willow’s Place, Kent Hope, the Kent Emergency Cold Weather Shelter and other organizations.
- On the second Saturday of every month we clean up downtown parks in Kent, prior to the pandemic we followed that with breakfast at Maggie’s
- We have read and given books to ECEAP classes in three different locations as well as to Kindergarten classes.
- This year we’ve financially supported our club members Taek and Sunny Kim in providing meals for those in need, as well as meals for Living Well Kent’s Summer School program
- This year we’ve financially supported our club members Taek and Sunny Kim in providing meals for those in need, as well as meals for Living Well Kent’s Summer School program
- We man a hot dog stand at a Go-Karting challenge that benefits Seattle Children’s Hospital
- And more….
Sponsor Youth Service Leadership Programs
- In the past we sponsored K-Kids and a Builders Club, however we’re currently sponsoring TERRIFIC Kids at Meridian Elementary School (on hold due to the pandemic)
- We’ve supported both the PNW and KI’s foundation from our very first year
- Key Clubs at Kentridge High Schools
The Kiwanis Club of Renton
The Kiwanis Club of Renton was first established in November 1929. We celebrated our 90th year last November.
- Our Signature Project is Supporting the Renton Kiwanis Clothes Bank which has been in existence since 1966. The clothes bank has just lost our home, provided at no cost by the Renton School District due to the district’s transportation expansion. We are desperately looking for an affordable location within the Renton City limits near a bus line.
- Our favorite and very rewarding tradition is the Children’s Christmas Party each year. Our club provides lunch, gifts (delivered by “Santa”), and entertainment for over 50 less fortunate elementary students from the Renton School District. The Soroptimist Club members, McDonalds, the Renton Police Department, and the Lion’s Club have joined us in this project to make the children’s holiday season special.
- Key Clubs at Hazen, Lindberg, and Renton High Schools.
- And more……..
The Aktion Club of the Green River Valley
The Aktion Club of the Green River Valley formed in 2012 and was officially Chartered October 2014. PNW Green River Area is the sponsor and provides all the finance and Treasurer support.
Our signature projects are Trauma Dolls for Auburn Medical Center, quarterly diaper donation to Children’s Home Society, help with the Roll and Read event, and Hygiene kits for community needs.
During COVID have met via Zoom and signed/decorated greeting cards for seniors in nursing facilities and just completed 100 hygiene kits, together but apart over Zoom, for Kent Youth and Family Services.
Our fundraising projects have been holiday ornaments, candy bars and treat bags that we decorate and sell at a reasonable price.
We also enjoy and appreciate support from several of the Green River Area Kiwanis Clubs through donations and mentoring.